If you’re like me, writing does not come naturally. Most of the time, when I sit down to write a blog post or a personal journal, I feel writer’s block coming on. I seldom feel the urge to write. Since working for Elmastudio for the past year and a half, I’ve learned a few things along the way to help boost myself into a writing mood and how to write a proper blog post. It’s something I never thought I would do and now I find myself enjoying the process.

Something that I have struggled with is how to engage my audience. Since I’m new at this blogging thing, I wasn’t sure where to start. There’s always that sense of insecurity, asking myself questions like ‘will people like my post?’ or ‘who is even going to read this?’ or ‘is this worth writing about?’

Ditch those silly questions and try not to worry about that sort of thing. If you’re new or feeling apprehensive about writing, place the negative thoughts thoughts aside and start typing away.

Here are some tips that might help you:

1. Just Start Writing

It’s not often that I’m feeling in the mood to write, but I have learned to go ahead and start writing. Most of the time I find myself in a very good flow after about 10-15 minutes in. As I continue to write and find my flow, I actually get a boost of energy and feel really good about what I’m writing.

In the end, I find it hard to stop. I tend to feel more creative as I write and come up with other ideas that aren’t even closely related to what I’m writing about, so I keep a notepad close by to jot those ideas down in order to not forget. Even when you’re feeling a little sluggish and not in the mood to write, just get into it and you might surprise yourself.

2. Be Yourself

When I read a blog post, I like to feel a sense of connection to the author. When the author is being authentic and writing with a sense of conviction, the connection becomes obvious and I’m instantly engaged. I’ve learned from this and I practice on writing about topics that I have either experienced or that I have knowledge about. None of this ‘fake it til you make it’, as I think that cheats the reader and will possibly put them off.

Almost feel as though you’re having a conversation when you’re writing. Write as though you are speaking, and your authentic voice will shine through the blog and the readers will notice this and become more engaged.

3. Take Notes

When reading other blog posts, notice what you enjoy about post (and maybe what you don’t enjoy) and write these down or take mental note of these. You might begin to subconsciously write how you like to read, which will help with your authenticity as well.

4. Write Short Paragraphs

Writing shorter paragraphs will help make the blog a bit easier to read. Splitting the information up more often allows the reader to be able to scan whilst on the web, especially if on a mobile device.

5. Avoid Run-On Sentences

If you tend to write run-on sentences, try to split up sentences. When you go on and on with one sentence, the reader might get distracted or lose interest. A blog shouldn’t be like reading a boring textbook, it should be engaging, informative, and sometimes fun to read. The longer the longer sentences, the less readable it is. Keep things concise.

6. Format Properly

Structure your blog post in a way that is easy to read. If you’re listing ideas or facts, try using bullet points or numbers. Make good use of the headings in the WordPress editor, breaking up paragraphs and sectionalising the entire content helps the reader comprehend the blog with more ease.

7. Avoid Filler Words

This is one I struggle with. Filler words are conversation killers. With blogs, you want them to sound more like conversations. When you edit your blog, check to make sure each word has a meaning, if it doesn’t, get rid of it. You will end up with strong and clear sentences, keeping the reader engaged.

8. Use a Thesaurus

Because writing it not natural for me, I feel like my range of vocabulary is not as extensive as I’d like it to be. I find myself re-using the same words over and over, so I use an online thesaurus to help me widen the range of my vocabulary. I try not to use words that are too obscure or fancy, still keeping it simple using the help of the thesaurus. The bonus with using the thesaurus is it will help expand your vocabulary, and you’ll be able to use it less as you write and learn more.

9. Use Personal Words

Using words like ‘you’ and ‘yours’ gives the blog a more personal feel, as though you are actually conversing with the reader. I prefer to read blogs that I can relate to, and using these words creates a relationship between reader and author.

10.Ask for Feedback

At the end of the blog posts, ask your readers specific questions or ask for questions or comments. This helps engage the readers, giving the blog a more personal feel and mostly likely get your readers coming back for more.


I hope these tips help you with your blogging, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned blogger. I would love to hear from you. Do you have any other tips you’d like to share? Do you find these tips helpful? Feel free to comment, and happy blogging, everyone :)