To say THANK YOU to all our blog readers and theme users we prepared a little Giveaway for our 5th Blog Anniversary. There are lots of fun creative prizes to win: e.g. books about typography, design and creative writing, beautiful note books, a stamp and postcards sets, a cool lunchbox and a take-away cup for tea lovers. To take part and get the chance to win one of the prizes just write a comment here on the post and tell us, which gift you would like to win most and why.
The Giveaway will end on Friday, July 18th at 11.59pm (CET). The winners will be picked by us using and informed via email on the following saturday. (Therefore please make sure to include your current email address in the comment form. Of course your email address will not be public.)
Our giveaway has ended and we selected all winners via Here you can find the list of our winners. Thanks so much to everyone taking part and for your amazing feedback!
Yours, Ellen & Manuel
Here is an Overview of all Prizes:
1. New Light-toned Graphics
A book with beautiful design inspirations for “light colored designs” (graphic, packaging and product design).
2. Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes
A collection of Pantone color palettes for your home or also for your next graphic or web design project.
3. Build your own Pinhole Cameras
A creative book for photography lovers with detailed instructions and tips to build your own pinhole cameras (English).
4. Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose
An inspirational book for all bloggers and writers on the web, a must-read!!! (English)
5. Buchstaben kommen selten allein
A great book about typography with lots of examples and instructions for beginners and pros alike (in German language only).
6. Bird and Dog Postcard Set
Two creative, high-quality design post card sets with dog and bird illustrations.
7. Designing The Editorial Experience
A brand new book about Editorial design on the web. With lots of current examples (English).
8. Tea Infuser – Tea Take Away Cup
So that tea lovers can have their favorite drink with them whenever they want :)
9. Today Is Super
A fun notebook with to-do list and stickers to add to your notes.
10. Creative Stamp Set
A cool, fun stamp set with colored stamp pads.
11. Sandwich Box by black + blum
A designer sandwich box that comes with its own wooden board (which works great as a plate, too).
12. Notebook with Pantone Color value Cover
A beautiful note book for Pantone color lovers!
13. Lesetypografie
A classic German language book about typography with lots of examples and tips about typography, fonts and layout (German language only).
We hope you like the prizes of our little anniversary giveaway and we wish all participants the best of luck! Please note that we can not 100% guarantee that every winner will get the exact price they wanted. But you can choose multiple prizes in your comment, too. Lots of fun with our Elmastudio giveaway!
Our little Birthday Giveaway has ended and we had sooo much fun reading all your amazing comments, thanks so much to everyone taking part! Of course not everyone can win and we had to select the winners for our prizes (randomly via
Here are all our winners (of course you will also be informed via email, so that we can send you your prizes as soon as possible):
- Benjamin: New Light-toned Graphics
- Kim: Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes
- Christine: Build your own Pinhole Cameras
- Carolin: Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose
- Mecki: Buchstaben kommen selten allein
- Sarah: Bird and Dog Postcard Set
- Tristan: Designing The Editorial Experience
- Jakub: Tea Infuser Takeaway Cup
- Jenna O: Today Is Super
- Britta: Creative Stamp Set
- Matthias: Sandwich Box by black + blum
- Andi: Notebook with Pantone Color Values
- Sven: Lesetypografie
Thank you so much for all your support here on Elmastudio!
Ellen & Manuel
I would love to win the tea infuser. Why? Because in my new office I started the habit of drinking coffee. Which I don’t even like (unless it has more milk than coffee in it). Anyway, the infuser might help me getting back on the right track, so to speak. Less evil, bad coffee, more delicious, healthy green tea.
Hi guys!
Compliments for your 5th Blog Anniversary. I read your blog with pleasure and I enjoyed your amazing wordpress themes.
I would like to read Design The Editorial Experience because I want to improve my design skills.
Have a lovely day
Gratulation zum Jubiläum und weiterhin Erfolg mit eurem kleinen Studio. Nette Aktion mit den Preisen, ist mir egal welchen ich gewinnen könnte, sind alles interessante Preise. Gruß Stefan Rockus
Schönes Avatar. Damit verbinde ich viele schöne Erinnerungen.
Würde mich über “Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose” sehr freuen.
Hello Ellen,
I’d LOVE to get the Pantone palettes. I have basically NO taste for color matching whatsoever and this would help a lot. Tools like Kuler do help me at times but having the real thing, nicely printed and matched would cure all diseases in the world… ok at least that’d be really really appreciated.
Also great timing as I’m doing a little of renovations in my flat. A little one is coming and you know what, blue or pink, there are just so many ways to get you colors wrong :)
Keep up the great work.
I’d like to win the ‘nicely said’ book because my writing style is awkward and my purpose gets easily hidden by the words.
Congratulations to the fifth anniversary of this great blog. If I can choose, I would like to get the “Nicely Said” book, since I think, writing in a nice way is a must also in the “websphere”
Also “Lesetypo” is an interesting book to have, since webdesign is not only technical but much more design and typo.
If nothing to read is left over, the pantone book will be great. I am working in a fashion company and it will make all my (female) colleagues wondering where I got this book from.
Best regards and: Just move on
I would like to win the book “Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose”. I’m a seeker of assertiveness! :))
I like “Today is Super” and the “Sandwich Box” as well.
I’d love to win Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose because there’s always room for improvement and I’d like to learn more about writing for specific genres.
Today is Super would be great too. I’m ridiculously unorganised when it comes to my blog, so this would help me plan posts, competitions and more. Plus, I love the design.
Ich mag “today is super” und “nicely said” – ich kann ja schlecht alles ankreuzen :D Glückwunsch zu eurem großartigen Blog, euren schönen Themes und überhaupt!
Congrats! I love your themes, they’re beautiful! I really like the sandwich box, could really use one. Greetings, Ine
i wouls like the Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes
Oh cripes! So many good prizes…which to pick- the Pantone inspirational set would be a lovely treat to have around; the “Nicely Said” book may prove useful with my online witterings, and you gave it a healthy dose of exclamations to show how good it must be ;) Finally, the online editorial design book- oodles of relevant info and inspiration for digi designers, which is where I dabble…
I pick:
d) All of the above.
Thanks for your blog design offerings, they really are the most beautiful on the market ❤️
In fact we all have to thank you—for this blog, your work and all the inspiration! Happy birthday!
Oh, now I forgot to mention, which price I’d love to win. ;-) As the editor of an online tech-magazine of course »7. Design The Editorial Experience«. Useful and inspirational, I think.
Congratulations to your fifth anniversary, Ellen and Manuel.
Well I like your themes slightly more than your blog, but it’s very nice to see, you use your themes instantly on your own blog. There is no better way, to show us, you are proud of what you give us.
Thanks for that. Your themes and the blog of course.
I would appreciate, if I received the pantone color palettes. Those on kuler or colorlovers are not that convincing.
Gratulation und auf die nächsten fünf Jahre!
Finde auch alle Preise spannend und würde das Los entscheiden lassen…
First of all, congratulations on your anniversary! I would love to win the book “a Nicely said” as I would like to improve my writing skills.
Wishing you a wonderful 5th Blog Birthday to everyone on the Elmastudio team. I’ve been in love with your themes since I began blogging 2 years ago – they’re always so simple and clean!
My favourite prize from your list of goodies has to be the ‘Today Is Super’ Notebook. I don’t get on at all with calendars and note-taking apps on my laptop – much prefer pen and ink – so much easier to flick through. And who wouldn’t be inspired by the fabulous, uplifting colours on that notebook? What a beautiful way to start off your day! :)
Wow, lauter tolle Geschenke! Dabei habt ihr doch Geburtstag!
Mit dem Pinhole Camera Buch würde ich sehr gerne zur Photo AG an die Schule gehen. Mit dem Stempelset würde ich was mit meinen Kindern veranstalten und mit dem Buch “Ein Buchstabe kommt selten allein” könnte ich mich beruflich etwas fitter machen.
Aber das wichtigste: mit diesem Kommentar möchte ich euch zum Geburtstag gratulieren. Happy Birthday!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Am meisten würde ich mich über das Stempelset und die Sandwich Box freuen :)
Aber die anderen Gewinne sind auch toll.
Liebe Grüße
I think you meant “prizes” as in – “win a prize”, not “prices” as in – “pay right price” :-)
I’m a very recent (bought theme bundle a couple of days ago) and very happy customer with the design and documentation of the themes. Congratulations on your business’s anniversary!!
Oh, If I were to win – the tea infuser would be nice – because hacking and green tea is a great combination :-)
Good luck,
Oh, thanks so much for mentioning this error, I just corrected it :)
Sind alle großartig! Ich würde mich am meisten über 5, 7 (sieben! nicht acht), 10 oder 13 freuen :-)
I found you a couple of days ago and fell in love with your WordPress themes and bought them all :) I will move my blog from blogspot to my own domain this weekend:)
I would love to win 4. Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose
Best regards
Tina Sundling
Congratulations on 5 years!!
I would love to win the Bird/Dog postcards or “Design The Editorial Experience” because I have a brand new apartment and desperately need to fill my walls/bookshelf with somethings to inspire me.
Happy 5 years again!
Happy anniversary! :)
I love the Today Is Super notebook and the postcard sets! Just lovely! :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch erst mal!
Ich könnte mich für den Tea Infuser, Buchstaben kommen selten allein, die Sandwichbox und Lesetypo begeistern.
Herzliche Grüße,
Das Stempelkissen wäre toll um mit meinen Kids ein Kunstwerk zu realisieren …
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Euch Beiden!
Ich steh’ auf Eure Beiträge und bewundere was ihr in diesen 5Jahren auf die Beine gestellt habt.
Über das “Buchstabenkommenseltenallein!” würde ich mich sehr freuen, da es mir helfen könnte mein DruckDesign für den Boston-Tiegel zu verbessern.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum fünften! Passend dazu würde ich No. 5 Pastel wählen. Einfach, weil die Farbpalette hervorragend zu derzeitigen Projekten passt und damit eine sehr gelungene Inspiration wäre.
Ein großes Dankeschön an euch und weiter so!
Schon lange verfolge ich Euch und Euren Blog und muss gratulieren! Ihr seid super und habt mir (gerade in meinen Anfängen) viel geholfen. Macht weiter so und bleibt wie ihr seid!
Zum Gewinnspiel: Ich kann mich für alle Preise begeistern und finde es klasse, dass ihr auch Sachen verschenkt, die hochgrad inspirierend sind!
I would love to win the Designing The Editorial Experience book. I hope I’ll love it as much as your themes !
Alles Gute! Ich wünsche euch viele weitere erfolgreiche Jahre. Bin immer noch sehr glücklich mit eurem Theme für meinen Blog!
YAY!!! Was sind das für tolle Preise – Wahnsinn!
Ich würde mich riesig über “Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose” freuen. nachdem ich gestern das “ZUKI” Theme installiert habe, kann ich mich ja nun wieder dem Schreiben widmen.
Allerdings sind auch alle anderen Preise wunderbar, sodass mich eigentlich alle glücklich machen würden.
Liebste Grüße
Dear Ellen,
Congratulations to the fifth birthday. Your work inspired every day. Keep it up!
Best regards,
Hi Elma and Manuel,
Happy happy joy joy birthday!i’m setting up my new website with a theme of yours and i’m in love with.
Abou the prize I would like to get a chance for the lunch box. It would make my day. Lunch time is the part of the day i can get some thinking time and I take the lunch made bye everyday to work.
thank you!
Yay! I’d love to win a copy of “Nicely Said”, sounds perfect!
Happy Birthday!
I love your themes and am using them on several sites right now, so keep up the good work!
I’d love to win the tea infuser (because I’m an avid tea lover) or one of the design/typo books (I’m an illustrator but it’s never bad to expand one’s horizon). :)
Hi folks,
I’d like to win. Here I’d like to win the book ‘Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose’. I would like to win it because I never would buy it. But if I would like to get screwed over because it must do so. This book really must be punk, blockupy and really critical, don’t ya think.
Alles Gute zu Eurem fünfjährigen Jubiläum!
Ich würde mich sehr über eines der Typographie-Bücher “Ein Buchstabe kommt selten allein” oder “Lesetypo” freuen. Als angehender Deutsch- und Englischlehrer habe ich mir in letzter Zeit öfters Gedanken gemacht, ob und wie ich meinen zukünftigen Schülern das Thema Typographie näherbringen kann. Neben absolut wichtigen Basics, von denen sie sowohl in der Schule als auch später profitieren können, wäre es schön, bei dem einen oder anderen auch das Interesse an Design und Layout zu wecken.
Das schöne an Büchern über Design und Stil ist ja, dass sie selbst auch so herrlich schön gestaltet sind :)
Ganz liebe Grüße und noch viele weitere Jahre mit vielen schönen Themes und Designs!
Oh … Oh oh oh oh oh … die Sandwich Box, ganz sicher. Ich hasse es nämlich meine Brote in meiner alten, lapprigen Tupperdose zu verstauen. Das ist wie russisch Roulette: “Hält der Deckel? Hält er nicht? Vielleicht ja doch … Oder doch nicht?”
Genug von meinen Snackproblemen … Ich wünsche euch alles Liebe zum fünften Geburtstag! Macht unbedingt weiter so!
Would ♥ the Tea Infuser because I am an unbashful tea-o-holic! :)
Eure Themes sind schon Gewinn genug. Happy Birthday, elma studio.
The Creative Stamp Set is just darling. Would love to incorporate some of those elements into my packaging for clients. Thanks for the opportunity!! Love my Namba Theme. :)
Glückliche Blog Geburtstagswünsche!
Your theme work is consistently inspiring and clean, and your videos super helpful. I’m glad you have made it five years, and hope you make it another five (or more).
If I am lucky enough, I would be pleased to receive either #12 Notebook with Pantone Color value Cover, or #6 Bird and Dog Postcard Set.
(I have a huge library of design books, and this inspires me to perhaps try something similar.)
You two rock!
P.S. The Notebook would be super useful particularly because of the grid interior, which I use for drawing type and websites.
Heyy! Congratulations and Happy 5th Anniversary!
I love all your themes and plan to buy one soon. My friend and I just have to figure out a domain name to get our blog going!
I would love to read Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose! Definitely need some help in writing.
Have a great day!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Ich wünsche mir die Sandwich Box, weil ich keine besitze und ich mir mein Lunch lieber selber machen und mitnehmen würde, als mir unterwegs irgendwas Halbgutes kaufen zu müssen.
Oh what a lovely giveaway! And congrats! I´d be happy to own this cute little Today Is Super book. Would be so useful for me. :)
Congrats on your anniversary. You do such great work!
If I were to win anything, I would love the book “buchstaben kommen selten allein” as I love typography!
Keep up your good work and good luck in your next 5 years.
Happy anniversary!!
I actually would have use for all prizes, but I’d love to win the “Today Is Super” fun notebook! I write to-do lists wherever I am, and I never got used to do that on my smartphone. The act of really writing it down and crossing it out once it’s done is really an important act for me, makes me feel good!
So – that notebook would really come in handy, giving me also a positive feeling about each day :)
Keep up the good work on your blog, and
!!~to the next 5 years~!! chin-chin :)
Gratuliere zu Eurem Jubiläum! Und herzlichen Dank für die vielen hilfreichen und inspirierenden Artikel sowie die lässigen Themes.
Eure Geschenke sind alle genial. Da ich so gerne Bücher lese würde ich mich über “New Light-toned Graphics”, “Buchstaben kommen selten allein”, “Designing The Editorial Experience” oder “Lesetypografie” am meisten freuen!
Bitte macht so weiter!
Awesome! You guys just made my wishlist bigger :-)
My favourites:
– New light-toned graphics
– Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes
– Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose
– Designing The Editorial Experience
– Today Is Super
Hey ElmaStudio,
Gratulation zum 5. Geburtstag.
Eure Themes und Blogposts sind einfach einzigartig und bereiten mir immer viel Freude, diese anzuschauen und zu lesen. Macht weiter so !
Ich würde mich über “Lesetypografie” freuen. Ein nette Nachschlagewerk.
ich würde gerne das stempelset gewinnen, damit könnte ich meinem freund dem spielekind eine riesige Freude bereiten :D
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir!
Ich würde mich über New Light-toned Graphics sehr freuen!
Macht weiter so!!!
Einfach schön. Glückwunsch zu 5 Jahren Blog und auf hoffentlich viele, viele weitere!
Die Preise sind alle so schön, aber am meisten würde ich mich über ‘Today is super’ freuen – das kann nur gute Laune machen.
Hey ElmaStudio,
Glückwunsch zum 5 jährigen Jubiläum. Ich liebe euren Blog und lasse mich gern von euch inspirieren.
Macht weiter so!
Am Meisten würde ich mich über “Designing The Editorial Experience” freuen.
Liebe Grüße. :)
Congratulations on your fifth anniversary! I just bought your theme bundle and can’t wait to get started with it on my personal site and also those of my clients. I also love your detailed introduction videos, so great!
I’d love to win the “Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose” book as I’m just starting out as an independent web writer and could always use all the tips and advice on how to improve my writing and my work.
The “Today Is Super” would also be such a fun way to plan my freelancer days to stay on top of things! :)
Thanks for such a great giveaway. Lots of luck and treats for Elmastudio!
Hey guys! Happy 5th anniversary! I hope more business and more creativity flows through your studio doors in the years to come.
I’d love to win the “Today is Super” notebook because a writer’s always gotta have a notebook with her to capture those awesome ideas to write about. Also, I’m an avid collector of rare and unique notebooks, so this would make a wonderful addition. :)
Thank you!
happy B*day! nice raffle! would love to win the “Lesetypografie” book as its on my wishlist for a long time and so i don’t need to go to the library anymore. :D
Hi congrats, New Light-toned Graphics looks really interesting, since I need to tone my self down a bit it looks like it could come in handy :>)
Liebe Ellen, lieber Manuel,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zum fünfjährigen Bestehen. Auf die nächsten fünf. ;)
Ich würde gerne das Buch “Nicely Said – Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose” gewinnen, um ein paar Tricks und Kniffe zu lernen, wie ich mit besseren Texten mehr Menschen für meinen Blog begeistern kann.
Liebe Grüße und macht weiter so,
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
All of your prizes are super-awesome. Though, I would love to win the Today is Super book. I think I would use it daily and as such, I would think of how wonderful Elmastudio is every single time I opened a page.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Liebe Elmas,
auch von mir ein “Happy Birthday, lieber Bloohoog, happy birthyday to you!”. Mir gefällt die wohlfeile Auswahl an Goodies generell sehr gut. Spontan zuckte es bei mir beim Titel ” Designing The Editorial Experience”, aber auch die Typo-Bücher fand ich spannend. Getreu dem Motto “Unser Netz soll schöner werden!” wäre das auch der Grund, warum der Genosse Zufall mich auswählen sollte. Ich verspreche nämlich, genau das zu tun. Unter anderem mit Eurer Hilfe ;-)
Beste Grüße,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Die drei Giveaways finde ich total super:
1. New Light-toned Graphics
5. Buchstaben kommen selten allein
13. Lesetypografie
Warum? Man lernt doch nie aus! Lebenslanges Lernen und so! Es geht immer weiter!
Vielen Dank!
Grüße mit Daumendrücken
Alles Gute, zum Geburtstag….. :-)
Ich finde, dass “11. Sandwich Box by black + blum” das herausragendste und praktischste aller Giveaways. Und ich werde eine Theme von euch kaufen. :-)
Bis dann!
Congratulation ! …everthing is state of the art – great.
Toll, dass es das Elma Studio Blog schon so lange gibt! Wenn ich mal Infos zu WordPress suche stoße ich meist selbstverständlich auf euch! Danke dafür.
Mir gefällt am besten das Buch: “Nicely Said – writing for the web with style and purpose”
Happy birthday for You !
My favorite gift is Bird and Dog Postcard Set !
Glückwunsch zu fünf Jahren Elmastudio. Auf weitere fünf tolle Jahre mit Euch. Ihr bereichert das Internet mit schönen Design!
I would definitely love to get Nicely Said! As a blogger, this seems like a must-read.
I’d love to read the book “New Light-toned Graphics” mostly because as a programmer/developer I don’t do much design, but it still intrigues me.
Hi Ellen,
from time to time I come to read and let me inspire by your posts. It’s alway fun. And your prices are like a wishlist for my birthday. So, it doesn’t matter if I’m not win. If I could choose »nicely said« would be my favorite.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 5 Jahren!
Coole Aktion, ich persönlich würde mich über die Sandwichbox oder die Stempel freuen.
liebe Grüße
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag – ich wünsche Euch viel Erfolg auf Eurem weiteren Weg und dass Euch niemals die Freude ausgeht, so schöne Dinge zu schaffen!
Das Give-Away ist eine wirklich tolle Idee, welche die Liebe und den Spaß, den man an Eurer Arbeit fühlt sanft unterstreicht.
Da ich momentan an meiner Bachelorarbeit im Bereich Fotografie arbeite, würde ich mich wahnsinnig über “Build your own Pinhole Cameras” freuen, da ich das in die praktische Arbeit mit einfließen lassen könnte.
Vielen Dank für Eure schöne Arbeiten! Bleibt so, wie Ihr seid und genießt das Jubiläum.
GEFELICITEERD! (congrats in dutch)
A friend of mine recommented you guys and I love your themes. Made with love and joy you can see.
I would love to win the number
2. Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes
So many beautifull color and I often pick the same….
Could you help me to get some “more” color in my life!
Thank you so much! Kim
Hallo Ellen & Manuel,
Ein Superjob mit Elmastudio und all den kreativen Themes – manchmal ist die Auswahl echt schwer, man kann ja schlecht alle nutzen. Und: euer Forum ist besonders für WP-Anfänger und leicht Fortgeschrittene immer eine große Hilfe.
Mein Wunsch: bleibt auch die nächsten fünf Jahre so kreativ und geerdet. Meine Auswahl wäre das Buch ‘Buchstaben kommen selten allein’, was Typographie angeht, habe ich erheblichen Nachholbedarf.
Glückwunsch aus Hamburg
Hard to believe it’s already 5 years!!!
I’ve often swung by, just for random bits of inspiration usually and then end up staying way longer than I had planned (but that’s the internet for you I guess). Were I to win, I’d definitely go for ‘Designing the Editorial Experience’. It sounds a fascinating read, and is one of those areas that is usually overlooked (despite the growing interest in User Interface/User Experience research).
Happy Birthday.
Hallo Elma,
gratuliere zum 5ten!
Danke für die schönen Layouts – tolle Themes!
Ich würde gerne “Pantone – 35 Inspirational Color Palettes” gewinnen :-)
Bird and dog postcard set! I love high-quality designs – the very reason I bought the entire theme design set at Elma Studio. :)
Herzliche Gratulation zu eurem Jubiläum, ich bin nach wie vor ein grosser Fan eurer Themes!
Besonderes Interesse hätte ich an Nicely Said oder Lesetypo :)
Na dann von mir auch alle Gute.
Ich würde mich für 13, 5 und 7 am meisten freuen :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :)
Ich studiere momentan Grafikdesign und ihr seid dabei eine echte Inspirationsquelle. Eure Themes nutze ich auch gern privat.
Freuen würde ich mich über einen der Preise 13, 7, 5 oder 2.
Bleibt weiter so kreativ!
Ich würd mich über “Build your own Pinhole Cameras” freuen, weil Fotografie meine größte Leidenschaft ist :) hab ja sogar ein Theme von euch für meinen Blog und ich liebe es ❤️
I’d be very happy to win “Designing The Editorial Experience” – I’m crazy about the topic, and the book looks like a valuable read. Happy anniversary, keep designing great stuff!
Gratulation zum Jubiläum! Macht weiter so!
Ich hab schon viel gelernt von eurem Blog und so würde ich mich doch über «Buchstaben kommen selten allein» zum noch mehr lernen freuen :)
Hab Euch gerade noch rechtzeitig zum 5-jährigen Jubiläum gefunden. :)
Eure Bücher 5 oder 13 würden mich glücklich machen – weil man nie genug Bücher zu Typografie haben kann!
Gratulation Jule
I would like to get “Today is super”, because it is just something that pop up in my mind.
Multiple years of extending happiness… happy 5th elma… I really, really love all of your designs… and your giving back of great surprises are bliss…
I would like Nicely Said… it feels like a good spark plug for the momentum of blog writing, etc…
Well, well… all the best! Ahbwoonnn!
Happy is a 5 letter word… Thank you elma for the wonderful themes! Cycle of happiness in sharing your talents…
For the big surprise, I’d like Designing the Editorial Experience to guide me through perfect composition and excellent presentation.
I would like to get number 1 (New Light-toned Graphics), because I have started a new blog project, and some design ideas would be very useful for me :)
Hallo from Canada and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I would like to win the Bird and Dog Postcard set because because it looks amazing and I love dogs and animals!! Also, thanks for the many amazing themes!!
Hi Ellen and Manuel,
Thanks so much for all the great themes, I’m looking forward to using Zuki on a client’s site!
I’d love to win Designing the Editorial Experience, because it looks really helpful and clear, and a book like that would have helped my a lot with work this week!
Congrats on the anniversary! Love your stuff! I’d love to win the tea bottle most of all to drink with my tea collection!! Merci!